Saturday, February 18, 2012

Carson Michael's Arrival

I wanted to blog Carson's birth story for any of you that are interested in how he arrived into the world. I love reading other people's birth stories and learn how things worked for them. It's always such a beautiful thing to read about how strong women are and the emotions of a newborn entering the world.

On Wednesday, the doctors office called me to remind me of my appointment on Friday. I just happened to mention on the phone that I had been having more contractions since Monday afternoon. They asked me to come in to see what was going on. When the doctor got to examine me, he was surprised to find that I was 5 cms dilated and ready to go at  any moment. We sat in his office as he made phone calls and rubbed his head trying to figure out what to do. He didn't want me walking around in the "condition" I was in for the fear that I could deliver on the way to the hospital. He wanted a controlled environment where their was medical staff on hand. The new rules for induction is to not induce any woman before 39 weeks unless there is a medical condition to do so. I was 38 weeks and 2 days with him leaving on Saturday (today) for a week of vacation. I went home after my appointment only to have contractions pick up a little. Which I'm sure had something to do with my examination. Jeff and I drove to the hospital that night to be monitored to see if my contractions were actually real or the same braxton hicks ones I've been having. We were sent home at 3am Thursday morning after no change was being made. My doctor called me on Thursday as I was out trying to walk the baby out and keep my mind off of the task at hand. He had called corporate people at the hospital to explain the situation. He pressed the urgency of how quickly I was go if I started to go into labor. He also explained the safety of the situation is much greater at the hospital than having me walk around. Corporate agreed with him and I was scheduled to have my water broken on Friday morning.

Thursday I was wasn't feeling the greatest. Savannah had the stomach flu on Wednesday so naturally the germs prey on the one's with lower immune systems and I caught her bug. I did not sleep more than 1.5 hours on Thursday night to Friday morning. We weren't suppose to get to the hospital till 6am but at 4:30am I couldn't handle anymore of the nausea and thirst. All I wanted was an IV so I could get fluids and keep them in me. I did take an anti nausea pill at 3am that the doctor had prescribed for me when I had the stomach flu on Thanksgiving. Yes stomach flu twice while pregnant. I thought once was bad enough. I started feeling better around 6:30am once they got some fluids in me and the anti nausea pill started taking effect.
The doctor came in to break my water at 7:50. I was having very mild contractions moreso due to being slightly dehydrated. I started having contractions pick up but they weren't consist and I was dilating as fast as I thought I would until 10:30 came. At that time I was only dilated to a 7 which is about a cm an hour. I was starting to doubt my ability to do this naturally. I got on all 4's to just release the pressure off my hips and find some kind of comfort. I wasn't allowed to do the tub or even get out of the bed since they broke my water. At 11:15 I rolled over back to my back because nothing was comfortable at that point. As I was rolling over I got this sudden urge to push. The nurse checked me quick and same yep she's ready. They had called the doctor 45 mins ago before I got on all 4s and I was panicked then because they told me not to push. HAHA! Yeah right, don't push. There is no way that you can control this urge to push. I disregarded what the nurses were telling me and pushed anyways. I was honestly trying to hold back and breathe but that only worked about halfway through the contraction. That's when you have no control over what you're body is doing. You're mind will not listen to anything you're telling it. I saw the doctor arrive finally and I was thinking "where have you been?" Nurses were asking him questions and I saw his facial expression as the head was already coming out. The nurses asked if he wanted booties as he was whipping all his outerwear off. He said "we don't have time for booties." After 8 mins of pushing Carson Michael arrived laying on my chest. It was the best surprise ever to look between his legs to find out what the baby was. Carson wasn't even on the list of names that we had discussed but that was the name that came to my head when he arrived. I couldn't get that name out of my head and no other name made sense. Michael is Jeff's middle name. We had planned on using his middle name if the baby was a boy.

I really enjoyed being able to do this naturally. I doubted myself many times through the painful contractions but figured it was too late already. The time went by so fast. It felt like I only had a few contractions from 10:30- 11:15 even though they were coming every 2 mins. I remember things so vividly this time around. I never really had that sudden urge to push with Savannah. I just decided to push when they told me I was getting close. When Carson arrived the doctor looked at me and said "thank you for not making me a liar to corporate that you were going to go fast once things got started." 3 1/2 hours from start to finish. A little under 1 hour of hard labor. After 9 months I had a beautiful pregnancy and a beautiful birth story. I wouldn't do it any other way.

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