Sunday, August 21, 2011

My lil helper

Today as I did the dishes, swept the floor, and made the meals I had this little shadow behind me. Savannah is just hitting the stage of "monkey see, monkey do." It is fun to have a little helper despite the fact that she sometimes makes more work for me than when I started. Now when I open the dishwasher to unload it, I quickly scan it for knives and anything that she can hurt herself with. Waving the knife at me once was more than enough "help" for me. She is getting the concept of the dust pan but not fully yet. She usually sits herself down in my pile with the dust pan next to her picking up the pile with her fingers. After she loses patience with how long its taking she stands up and wiggles her butt walking around the kitchen dispersing "the pile" that she just got done sitting in. Sweep the floor once more. She now wants me to hold her when I'm cooking so she can see whats going on up there and what I am making. I am trying to get into the habit of turning on the oven light when I bake so she can watch it bake.

Savannah has also become quite the handyman. She watches daddy go around using screwdrivers and hammers. When a tool absentmindedly gets left within her reach she wastes no time to use her assisting skills. She has to always be at our feet trying to figure out just exactly what we are doing. It's so much fun watching her little brain work and try to discover new things. It tells me that she's grasping things and wanting to learn. Now if I could only teach her to put the laundry away instead of taking it out.

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's a Wonderful Life

So we are on our 3rd week of having our stuff. You would think that everything would be put in its place and the place would be free of boxes. Umm I would call those people, wrong! The garage finally got organized this weekend enough to squeeze my car in there. Once we have our garage sale and sell our extra lawn mower, it all should fit. The landscaping in the front of the house is looking gorgeous. The previous owners had some overgrown bushes and vines in the front which we tore up to plant some beautiful flowering plants. We also repainted the front door and shutters. Lots and lots of projects. It is such a joy to be able to own a house again and not rent. We don't have to ask a landlord if its ok to paint a wall. Our money is actually going towards paying down a house instead of paying the guy who owns the house. Jeff and I have always just been more into the buying of a house instead of renting. Thats just who we are.

Everything is not all in its place partially because we are still waiting for a few things to be fixed. Our king size sleigh bed frame was broke when they were loading it in Massachusetts. Therefore, I have two fairly good size pieces of furniture just hanging out against my wall making it hard to hang stuff up. I also need to still paint Savannah's room and the nursery eventually. I want to pick out the bedding before I paint either room because I'm only painting them once! We are hoping to borrow a bassinet for the baby to sleep in our room until Savannah turns 2 where she will be upgraded to a big girl bed.

Savannah now is a 15 month old. I have no idea how that happened but somehow she grew up. She is a very talkative little girl. I can only understand a few words she says but nevertheless she has a lot to say. I fear that I'm going to have a very vocal little one once she gets the words out so I can understand them. I think in her baby jibberish that she has said mama a couple times. My neighbors were there to witness it and I asked them if they heard what I heard. They said I think that's what she said. I've only waited 8 months for her to say mama after saying dada at 6 months. It's about time! She has also picked up the trait of hitting mommy. When I tell her no she wants to run over and hit me now. She also walks around pointing her pointer finger mumbling off when I scold her. It's so hard not to laugh when she does that. Jeff and I have to remind ourselves that she is acting just like a 15 month old should. When she refuses to get in the shopping cart its because she's learned to walk so she's expressing her independence. Good for her. Tough for mommy and daddy! Soon enough we will understand just how much we underestimated what "having our hands full" really means.

Jeff had a great week last week for sales. He is on the road quite a bit traveling to Dayton, Columbus, Indiana, and northern Kentucky. He comes home usually at night with only having to do one overnight so far. He said that he is pretty much building this territory up from scratch. A good learning experience for someone coming out of training.

This pregnancy is going pretty smoothly. No major bumps so far. I have just been struggling with taking my prenatal vitamin. Either forgetting to take it or getting sick from taking it. That happened in the first trimester with Savannah too. Just have to last another week or so until I am feeling better...hopefully or at least partially normal again. All the sacrifice is worth it in the end when your holding that bundle of joy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another move over?

After waiting over two weeks for our stuff to arrive to our new location, the moving truck finally pulled up to our house. Jeff and I breathed a sigh of relief to finally have our stuff and begin to make our house a home. That was until the driver announced that he couldn't fit all of our stuff on the semi. Yes! They had to leave 30 boxes in Massachusetts. Now as I unpack the other boxes, I am slowly realizing which boxes were left behind. We hopefully will be getting the remainder of our things back to us by this weekend. Lets all keep our fingers crosses on that one and that nothing comes up missing. We are very grateful however, to have the things we do have. I enjoyed a great night of sleep on a bed for the first time in 2 weeks.

This move was definitely a difficult move. I'm not as motivated to get things unpacked this time around. My pregnancy is making me very tired lately and I can't wait for second trimester to kick in so I have some energy again. This time around, I can't just place Savannah in one spot and come back to check on her. I'm constantly checking on her to see what she's gotten into or if she's closed the door on herself to a room. She is also to the age where she realizes something is different and gets very clingy. Carrying her around the house is a lot of work and when I sit down to hold her she just wants to wiggle so much making that uncomfortable too. It makes it really hard to get things done with a toddler now.

I had my first doctor appointment last Wednesday also. The doctor said that everything looks good. We saw a strong heartbeat on the ultrasound and saw our little bear cub. Seeing a baby on the screen never ceases to amaze me.