Sunday, August 21, 2011

My lil helper

Today as I did the dishes, swept the floor, and made the meals I had this little shadow behind me. Savannah is just hitting the stage of "monkey see, monkey do." It is fun to have a little helper despite the fact that she sometimes makes more work for me than when I started. Now when I open the dishwasher to unload it, I quickly scan it for knives and anything that she can hurt herself with. Waving the knife at me once was more than enough "help" for me. She is getting the concept of the dust pan but not fully yet. She usually sits herself down in my pile with the dust pan next to her picking up the pile with her fingers. After she loses patience with how long its taking she stands up and wiggles her butt walking around the kitchen dispersing "the pile" that she just got done sitting in. Sweep the floor once more. She now wants me to hold her when I'm cooking so she can see whats going on up there and what I am making. I am trying to get into the habit of turning on the oven light when I bake so she can watch it bake.

Savannah has also become quite the handyman. She watches daddy go around using screwdrivers and hammers. When a tool absentmindedly gets left within her reach she wastes no time to use her assisting skills. She has to always be at our feet trying to figure out just exactly what we are doing. It's so much fun watching her little brain work and try to discover new things. It tells me that she's grasping things and wanting to learn. Now if I could only teach her to put the laundry away instead of taking it out.

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