Friday, December 3, 2010


Today my mom and I were talking on the phone and somehow she brought up the fact that in the Bible it says to "mind your own business." I laughed in disbelief. She of course found it because she had highlighted the passage. So in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 it reads:
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

So this got me thinking. Do you think that God put that in there on purpose? Do you suppose he knew that gossip and greed would only bring trouble in someone's life? That maybe, just maybe that we would not lead a happy life if our hearts were never satisfied with what we had?  It's funny how just one passage can really get the mind thinking.

Tomorrow I'm going on the annual house walk in Waseca, MN. It usually is Judy, Karen, Betty, Hillary and I. Tomorrow it will just be Judy and I. Judy is who I lived with when my parents separated. She is so much like a mom to me. Anyways Judy lost her mom when she was 8 so when she was a teenager she moved in with Betty. Karen is Betty's daughter so you can kind of say its a mother/daughter kind of thing. This year Betty's eyesight is starting to fail. She is also afraid of the ice. Karen isn't able to make it either. Hillary decided that she needed to study instead. So that leaves Judy and me. I decided that I wanted to go very badly this year because I don't know where Jeff and I will be come next year.

I will also be bringing Savannah with. I'm just going to strap her to me as we go house to house. In and out of the car will be a bit much but she's becoming so much more content and not as fussy as she once was. I feel that I can take her with and it won't be a HUGE burden. Jeff and I had discussed leaving her with him but he stated that he probably won't get as many projects done with her around. On a regular basis, I manage to clean the house, do the dishes, laundry, and make meals AND take care of her. I also yesterday sanded some of the trim down and touched up the paint. I fixed the interior doors so they close and latch. We had them hung up, just not adjusted yet. I believe that's called multi-tasking. I didn't argue with him because I want projects to get done. He then realized that "oh I won't have a car." Um welcome to my everyday. Get over it!

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