Thursday, November 17, 2011

18 months

Savannah turning 18 months came and was gone just as fast. We did her check up yesterday where they checked her iron and gave her one shot. Hopefully the last one for a while! I'm not really into all the immunizations they are giving little ones nowdays. It seems that they are wanting to give her 3-4 shots everytime we walk into the office. Some of these shots contain more than one vaccine in the dose too. I just can't imagine injecting that many "viruses" into this tiny person at one time. I know everyone has their opinion on it so I will just leave it at that before I really get on a rant. Jeff and I are wanting to see this movie so bad. .

At 18 months, Savannah has really started to change into a real person. She is starting to take showers. We wanted to start this so she would get more comfortable with getting her face wet. She has always had that fear of getting her face washed or her hair. We did not want it to get too far where she would be afraid of swimming. She also sleeps in a "big" girl bed where she puts herself to bed some nights only requiring me to tuck her in and say good night. She can get out of bed just as easy though. I usually have a visitor somewhere between 5am and 6am. She knows my weakness because I'm too tired to argue with her so just pick her up to put her in between Jeff and I. That will be a battle for another time. She has picked up on more words walking around saying uh-oh or mamamamama. I don't mind the mama one because I waited 18 months to hear her say it! Please child, keep going. She started walking at 13 months and now is almost at a "running" pace. That makes chasing her for diaper changes and getting her dressed such a delight!. One of these days someone will come to my house with an only diapered child because I will be too big to chase after her to put clothes on her. I've been slowly getting her closet set in "outfits" so daddy can dress her somewhat easy. She is drinking from a cup now at the table. Gradually getting the sippys only for car trips. She does fabulous at not spilling her drink. I just leave the glass on the table with water and when she's thirsty she climbs on the chair to get her glass. Simple enough. I'm sick of looking EVERYWHERE for sippy cups. I can't tell you how many times I have had to boil black mold off her cups. She is starting to attempt to dress herself. I was amazed to see her dig a skirt out of the clean laundry pile, sit down on the floor and attempt to put it on. She didn't succeed without assistance but the fact that she was taking it upon herself to get dressed amazed me. Remember I'm a stay at home mom so little things like that just thrill me to no end.

A lot has changed in her in the last 3 months. She kept her weight gain under a lb and grew 3 inches in the last 3 months. She cut 2 molars and is working on the other two. She is really getting a mouth full of teeth which I'm STILL working on her not biting. I have tried every method that everyone has suggested. She is just very determined to knaw at my arm or daddy's toes. It must be the german in her.

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