Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Girls day!

Today I did little housework. I fought back the urge to go through the spare bedroom and rid it of anything not needed and sort through that mountain of paperwork from the past month. Instead I spent the time playing patty cake and singing toddler tunes. I took her to BabyGap and she pointed out (and pulled down) all the pretty clothes that she liked. She always knows when we are shopping for her. I can't figure out how she knows. When I walk into my department she immediately is a disobedient shopper. Customers and employees talked to her and made her feel like the center of attention. We snuggled up fora  nap together which mommy needed just as much as she did. I adore the days when I kiss my cares away and just enjoy the company of God's beautiful creation. I know she will grow up so quickly and I don't want to look back and say to myself that I should have enjoyed the moments far greater than I did. It's days like these that your heart feels warm. The sun shining in the window seems brighter and your shoulders feel less burden. Her only worry right now is getting the object thats out of reach. She lacks patience and determination. Something that I might not notice if I were too caught up on the household tasks. I painted her nails for the first time today. I did manage to get most of it on her nails and little on myself. I consider that a huge accomplishment. She seems so much happier when I take the time to listen to all her stories and make her giggle at my funny faces. So precious is a life that you helped create.

On another note, yesterday I spent the day labor ridden. I painted up the stairs and in the loft area. An area that I thought would only take me a few hours turned into most of my day. Out with the yellow paint!! Savannah showed me yesterday that a tension gate will not work at the top of the stairs. I thought it was pretty tight. Well at least as tight as I could get it. She eventually rolled over there and kicked it down as my back was turned. My heart jumped only to see the baby gate laying in two pieces at the bottom and a little Savannah smiling from ear to ear kicking her legs at the top of the steps. Baby gate attempt #1 failed so we will have to invest in something a little more powerful. :)

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