Saturday, November 17, 2012

9 months

Carson turned 9 months old today. I don't know where the time has gone but it has been a great experience having 2 children. Challenging? Yes to say the least but certainly rewarding. I couldn't help but think that when Savannah turned 9 months we were on our way to Massachusetts for our first move of many throughout her life. I remember sitting down in my new house 22 hours from everything I knew and crying when she turned 10 months because for the first I realized she wasn't going to have a birthday party with all her family singing happy birthday to her. Carson will turn ONE in just a few short months and it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did with Savannah. Maybe this time I'm more prepared as we have been gone from "home" for 2 years coming up this winter.

Jeff and I have been married for 4 years coming up in January. It feels like just yesterday I was being walked down the aisle. Here we are a much stronger couple and more in love with each other each day. We have moved to 4 different states and moved 6 times in those 4 years. We have flipped our first house and moved across country. Two things I never imagined myself doing. If you know me, I like to shop and stay clean. (something I don't manage to do with 2 children now :) ) Usually someone finds me to either spit up or share their dirty hands (with whatever that child has been in). I am so lucky that someone likes to share so much with me. Aww life is so wonderful.

What does Carson do at 9 months? He weighs about 19 lbs and is 28 inches. He loves crawl around the house following me wherever I may go. He enjoys pulling himself up to let go and stand. He is great at blowing bubbles and annoying his sister. He says dada. I tried to ask him to say mama and he just smiled at me. Jeff asked him to say dada and he proudly said it. (traitor) He sleeps through the night consistently. He does wake up every now and then but usually if I just let him fuss a little he puts himself back to sleep. He is still in his infant car seat which is a huge change from his sister who was out of hers by 4 months. He is just starting to fill out the 6-12 month clothes. He can still wear 6 month Carters clothes though. Everyone says he looks like Jeff. He mainly eats whatever we are eating just chopped up. He has 2 teeth and more coming in. He is drawn to remotes and telephones/cell phones. He is our little prince charming.

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