Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Second Trimester

Please tell me that my kids are not the only ones who bring random stuff all around the house. Tonight I spend a good amount of my time returning things to their rightful places. There is two of them so keeping an eye on what each one takes is getting to be more and more of a challenge. I had ABC fridge magnets in about 3 different rooms of the house. Savannah decided to leave her bath towel in the middle of the living room because that's where she decided to get dressed. I walked into her room to find that she had taken every pair of pj's out of the drawer to find the perfect outfit. While doing that Carson decided to find a glass of water left in his reach to spill all over. I have been doing lots and lots of looking on google on how to survive 3 kids under 3. I can't keep up with 2 so I can't imagine when I have even more man power against me.

Jeff and I had a very exciting appointment on Friday. We got to see how baby "we most likely know the sex of the baby already but are waiting to tell everyone at 20 weeks" looked in black and white on tv. We heard a beautiful strong heartbeat of 150 beats. Baby posed for the U/S tech and we got great, clear pictures. She said she had a pretty good guess at what baby was appearing to be already based on how well baby was laying that day. We got to meet our doctor that will hopefully deliver our baby and were very pleased with the decision we made on our doctor. She was very open to decisions we wanted to make based on personal preference and we didn't feel pushed into anything.

I am finally starting to feel back to my regular self and growing more each week in the tummy area. I'm getting slightly bigger quicker with this time around. With fall approaching, we have a very busy schedule so its nice to know that fatigue and nausea are hopefully a thing of the past. Looking forward to slightly cooler weather. I feel like a furnace with all this extra blood flow and hormones in my system. I may actually get to catch up with friends with a phone call during nap time over taking a nap myself :)

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