Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Best Day Ever (through Savannah's eyes)

The day didn't start off that great. I couldn't stand up in my crib because daddy lowered it. Instead I just yelled until mommy got out of bed. I really didn't want juice like normal but instead insisted oatmeal. It was hard at times to decide whether I wanted to take another bite of oatmeal or steal a drink to wash it down. Most of the time I just kept eating worried that if I stopped mom might get up to do something else.

Mom put me in a pretty dress today for church. Church is this huge building with all kinds of people to look at. We sing songs. I'm not really sure of the words yet but I do my best to hold a note. I at least want to be heard. Mom tried to stick me in the nursery today but I refused to miss out on the service. She even tried to convince me to stay by sitting in the nursery with me but I just cried to let her know how much I was against that decision. Haha jokes on her to think that I'm going to ever stay in that room. After church daddy bought me a donut hole that I shoved in my mouth. I couldn't quite mush it all in my mouth so mom broke it up into smaller pieces.

The day just kept getting better and better. I took a much needed nap after that big adventure out. I mean, all that singing and crying wears a person out. I ate spaghetti for lunch. That is by far one of my favorite meals. I got to crawl around in the grass and taste a little bit of it too. I have to say, spaghetti tastes better. I watched mommy and daddy do all kinds of things in the yard. I have no idea what they were doing but it sure did keep my attention. They tried to gate me in at times on the deck so I just tried to eat my way through the gate once standing and shaking it didn't work. It was simply magnificent being outside. I got to see all kinds of things that I normally don't see in the house. How can a person stand to look at the same scenery for that amount of time? I have things to explore and taste. I also got to ride in the shopping cart at Lowe's. What could be better!

I tried to catch a quick snooze when they put me back in the car. I had no idea where I was going but I was wearing a swimming suit. The next thing I know I'm being taken out of my car seat again and my swimming buddy is with me. I get more and more excited when I see my floating device being blown up. I know whats coming next is going to be great. I had the best time in the pool. I got to kick and splash. by the time I got out of the pool, there was not a dry spot on me. I came home to have supper (spaghetti again!!) Then I got a bath afterwards. Aww life is great! Mommy put my pajamas on and read me a book. After a day like today, a girls gotta rest for the next adventure tomorrow.

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