Thursday, April 28, 2011

Almost a year

It truly is hard to believe that it has almost been a year since I had Savannah Joy. I can't help but remember since September, everything I was going through a year ago. When I was pregnant with her, it seemed like the time went by so slow. I couldn't wait to have the next step and hold her in my arms. Now she is a very busy almost toddler. Yikes! About a year ago I was put on bedrest at this time. At that time I thought it was the most torturous thing I could go through. Bedrest sounds pretty good right now. I'm exhausted from my cold and from chasing a certain someone around. It doesn't help that I've been up with her in the middle of the night because she's been coughing so much.

Anyways, a year ago, Jeff and I could never have imagined that our life would turn out this great. We never would have imagined looking into someone's eyes and instantly falling in love. Jeff is such a great dad too. He loves to play with Savannah. His best memory he said was when he took the week off after she was born. He loved being able to just cuddle up with her on the couch. It's those memories that you can hold onto forever. Work can wait. Spending time with your family is such a precious gift. I can still remember how it felt to feel her move inside of me. I miss that feeling some days. I loved the anticipation of wondering what she was going to look like. To hear her heartbeat everytime I went to the doctor. And I loved the nesting desire. A year ago, I nursed a baby for the first time. I felt what it was like to come home and feel like a totally different person. You are a mom now and have all these new emotions that you have never felt before. You are so worried that you are going to mess something up. You feel like all the eyes of the world are on you saying you better get this right. Now that its almost been a year, we are slightly more relaxed. Yes, we still worry as all parent do but I don't run in her room every 15 mins anymore to make sure she's still breathing. I guess you could say that I'm becoming more comfortable in my new skin as a "mom."

This certainly won't be the last child we have. Remembering a year ago makes me excited to welcome another child into our family...someday! For right now....Savannah enjoys being the center of our attention. Summer is coming which means lots of new things to discover. And we aren't quite "settled" yet. So for all those people who are asking me if I'm pregnant yet or wondering when we are going to start trying for another one. You will just have to wait in anticipation like a pregnant mom anticipates hearing her baby's first cry.

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