I am starting to realize that I may never get more than merely "naps" at night. I wake up every 2 hours now from either Savannah or Jeff. Getting up in the middle of the night is so normal to me now that I want to call people when I'm up because I figure that they are probably up too. (This is why I wanted Savannah in bed with me as long as possible.) I heard her at about 2:10am and went in to let her know that I loved her and that she needed to try going back to sleep. I went back to bed to listen to her cry then whimper for the next 5 mins. Went back in there to let her know once again that I still loved her and that I didn't forget about her. This went on for 20 mins. I finally gave up as her crying wasn't subsiding. I rocked her in her chair and patted her back. I was trying to do anything not to give her the one thing I know would do the trick. Finally after a half hour of whining. I nursed her where 3 mins later she fell asleep. Repeat an hour later. Got up at 5:10 to bring Jeff to work so I could have the car to run errands in the morning. Back home to catch another couple hours of sleep. Maybe I will catch a nap this afternoon.
I received an email today that told me Savannah was 22 weeks old. I had to look twice because I was sure they had the wrong email address or had miscalculated. There is no way that my baby could be that old already. If I was pregnant right now, I would be complaining about how I was only half way through and how miserable I am. 5 months old! She now smiles at anybody who gives her attention which makes me feel so much better when people say oh what a happy baby. Finally!! After 4 months of fussiness.
Jeff and I have almost been married for 2 years now too. In a few months we will celebrate our 2 year anniversary together. I can't believe its been that long already. Meeting him has changed a lot about myself. I am truly a shopaholic in rehab I feel. I learned a lot of things from my mom. Some things are good and other ones not so good. One bad trait I picked up is that I shop when I'm sad or feel not content with life. Its a temporary fix I realize. It will always be something that I will have to work on. I mean just because someone goes to rehab for alcoholism doesn't mean they're cured for life. I like looking at all the new and shining things. Especially now that I have discovered Gymboree, I am seriously in trouble. Who does not just adore dressing their little girl up?!! I'm probably not the only one with this addiction. I'm glad that Jeff challenges me not to buy everything. It makes me a better person and I love looking at the savings account and seeing it grow. I am not a very good person at living paycheck to paycheck and enjoy knowing that we have a buffer. It helps me not to be so stressed. It however does not help my shopping addiction when I walk into a children's clothing store :) Just another challenge I will have to work on.
Oh my, I (fuzzily) remember those night with Naomi--20 minutes here, 20 minutes there, sometimes just longing for the sun to come up because I knew that my body would feel less tired once the sun hit it. One day this will all be a fuzzy memory for you too. Hang in there!