Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mmmmm Mmmmm

Lately I have really been working hard on getting Savannah to say the word momma. She's been going around lately with her lower lip tucked on her bottom gums and making a humming noise. I can only hope that this will someday soon turn into momma. We have also been working on our sitting up skills and rolling over. I get on the floor and try to show her how to roll over. You know the old "monkey see, monkey do" trick. So far with all this training all that I have to show for it is a daughter that likes to tease me. She rolls over her top half but the lower half just won't follow. I have a daughter that looks like a weeble instead of sitting up and someone who just mmmm's. I know that someday it will all click but as of right now were still working on it.


  1. I'd like to see you demonstrating how to roll over! :) Do you have a daughter who finds that amusing at least?

  2. Yes the best part is that she gets a blanket while I just have to roll around on the hardwood floors. I don't know if she's more amused or confused. She just started sitting up on her own to play last night. That bumbo sure is doing its job. She still leans forward quite a bit but its getting there.
