Friday, October 8, 2010

Motherhood is anything but simple

Why blog? Why not just share what you have to say on the phone to a person or talk in person? I think every mother needs to have someplace to escape and get all her feelings out. As a stay at home mom the only person I generally talk to is my mom which used to be every day and has now dropped down to about twice a week. Savannah talks to me but all I can generally understand is her excitement that she is standing!! Ok it may be supported standing but she thinks shes pretty cool.

No matter what book you read or story you hear about being a mom you mine as well throw it out the window. You truly don't understand the sheer joy, frustration, and worry of being a parent until that little one is growing in your womb. I was convinced that I would not be one of those mothers who worried nonstop or let my baby sleep in my bed whenever she wanted to. Well.... then I got pregnant. I started having issues with spotting which is common I know in the first trimester. You say its common until its happening to you and all you can do is lay there and worry about miscarrying. You would stand on  your head to keep that little one safe and its heart pumping. Second trimester was more fun than the first. Knowing that it was finally revealed a gender made the baby aisle just more fun. Third trimester was when high blood pressure hit. When the doctor says don't you dare lift a finger until I say you can. Its like "thanks! I'm not going to worry or anthing." Then it happened, I gave birth to a little girl on May 8th at 3:10. I was about the luckiest girl in the world. I had a great husband and now one of the best gifts to share with him.  

Being a stay at home mom has its challenges. Due to financial burdens, I said good bye to the car I loved and became a one car family. I know its a sacrifice we have to make but it still was a sad day. I sure I will cry when I get stuck in the snow and can't get out with our new car. I may even cry today when I need to run errands and can't because Jeff has the car at work and hasn't been coming home during the day so I either bring him to work in the morning or suffer all day with no car. I've been kicking myself all day because I should have just gotten the milk yesterday on my way home but forget. I wanted to make bread or at least make a decent meal but everything in my cupboard has that dreaded ingredient...MILK! Grrr. I have another 2 hours to go until daddy comes home then I can escape the 4 walls I call a house and drive. But you know, I would rather live in a small house, be a one car family, and give up all my luxuries to be a stay at home mom. To watch your child grow is the most precious gift.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am also a stay at home mom, I have not yet and hopefully never do, have to give up my luxury of a car so I can say I do not understand that stress, but I do understand the stress of parenting. You kinda go throughout your life with a dream world of what parenting is only to find out how much work and time it really takes out of you as a mom. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I thought it was going to be so easy, wake up call first night home! I also began letting her sleep in bed with me, regretting that so if you can kick her out I would try, just because my daughter is now 14months old and I know it will be hard to get her out, and I hate the cry it out method.. I just hate listening to her cry, being my only baby and I realize she needs to every once in a while but its still so hard. But I agree that to watch your child grow is the most precious gift. I have loved watching her learn to walk and now to talk. Everytime she says mom or smiles at me it just melts my heart and makes every minute of "hard" moments worth it!
