Yesterday I was woken up at 6:45 by a little girl with no bottoms on (diaper included) and attempting to take her shirt off to hop in the shower with daddy. I was UP! Carson awoke at 7am. I decided this was the start of my Monday whether I was ready for it or not. I could really have used about 4 more hours of sleep after working so hard on the weekend. Nevertheless, it was me and the kids on our own once again. We got ready to hit the road at 8:30 in order to get all our errands done in time. Errands took me longer than I thought they would and I was doing the almost impossible...grocery shopping during lunchtime! The double carts were all out so I was forced to get a single cart with 2 kids. I am now starting to sit Carson up in a cart or high chair to strengthen his neck and stomach muscles. Plus it just makes life a tad bit easier. The single cart idea was not working. I had Carson in the front and Savannah in the basket of the cart. I did not realize how much of a disaster that would be. We had only made it down the produce and pasta aisles. Savannah had already worked on eating the buns with the bag still on, opened a box of fettuccine noodles, and was onto the single serve mac and cheese containers. I was determined to get that double cart. Went back to double check both sides of the store to make sure one had not been returned. Nothing. Darn it! I returned to my grocery shopping frazzled and hungry. Savannah had found a way to keep herself entertained now. I couldn't stop from laughing and snapping a picture quick. This child was working on stacking the items in the cart then saying 1,2, wee as they all came tumbling down (some onto the floor). I hit it in reverse after I realized this was now going to be the game of the remainder of the shopping trip. I was determined to find an ulterior way to get through this shopping trip that just wouldn't end. Alas there was a car/double cart just being returned. I quick snatched it and shuffled all my groceries to it. I had a very nice gentleman help me load my groceries into my car and we made it home just in time to eat some lunch (at 1:00).

I was really debating after that fact if I wanted to brave a waterpark with the 2 little ones myself. I had asked a neighbor to go with me but her boys were less than thrilled to find out where we had discussed going. They decided to venture to the Y themselves for some big kid pool time. I was left with deciding whether I could handle a 4 month old and a courageous, scared of nothing 2 year old. Oh I should also add no nap 2 year old. After lunch I just decided to brave it out and go for it. It could be a complete disaster but at least I would try to give Savannah some water time. We got to the waterpark which took me a couple turn arounds because I don't have a GPS anymore (stupid GPS stealers). I had been to this waterpark once last year but couldn't remember the exact turns just the general direction. But we got there and it was a blast. Savannah was unsure of the water and the water slide at first. I finally dunked her under one of the waterfalls to get her all wet. She stood there and shivered (yes in 93 degree heat) deciding whether she liked it or not. She came back to the stroller to take some more sips of her icee and ran as fast as her little legs could take her back to the water. While watching her squeal with delight, I couldn't help but stop to think
how could I ever deprive her of this amount of joy and memories because I would be too scared to handle 2 of them. After all it was my choice to have them so close together. I should be embracing every opportunity to get her out and exploring the world. The waterpark/glorified splash pad was the perfect size for me to keep an eye on her while I was next to the stroller watching Carson sleep but big enough for her to have enough activities to keep her thoroughly entertained. We were there for almost 2 hours. It wasn't a disaster getting her to leave. I asked her if she was ready to go bye bye. She waved bye to the water and wrapped her towel around herself. We will be going back on Thursday. Savannah went to bed no problem at 9:00 and slept until 7:30. I was actually up before her for a change. Today she is laying in bed watching cartoons. I think she earned a little cartoon time after all our adventures yesterday.
Today will be a catch up day. I will do the laundry. I will sweep/mop the floors. Organize paperwork and get letters mailed/bills paid. After a crazy, busy day yesterday you just need a day to catch back up. Tomorrow will be story time and I'm sure another set of errands :) Well I'm off. I have a little girl calling my name and a shower to grab before both of them are awake and I REALLY have to start my day.
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