Yesterday I decided to let Savannah just do what she wanted to in the morning and she wanted to watch cartoons. She would dodge back and forth to catch a few glimpses of Curious George or Sesame Street in between playing with her babies. I had a few things to get done in the morning. I figured the easiest way for me to get those things done is to keep her occupied doing the things she wanted to do in turn hopefully keeping her out of trouble for a moment. It's amazing to me that not only looks in a child come out when you have your own but also the personalities you had as a child come out in your offspring. Savannah is an early riser (usually) like her daddy was at this age. She is also always looking to get into trouble and seek adventure quite like her mama at this age.
I decided to set up the sprinkler yesterday for a little run-through-the-water fun. She was less than thrilled at the idea because I allowed her to do it. She had no problem the previous night running through the neighbors sprinkler with her clothes on and squealing with delight. Its funny how even to kids the grass is always greener in the other persons lawn. I decided to forego the swim diaper as they are costly and we were at home. Really do you think she is going to have to "go" in the 15 minutes we are out there? The answer to that question is yes. Not only will she "go" once but she will "go" twice. Lesson learned :) As I snapped these pictures of her yesterday I had to sit back and look after uploading them where did my little girl go? She looks so grown up and has changed SOO much since last summer. The time is going by too fast.
We also did a little finger painting in the driveway. I forgot to snap a picture of that activity but she had fun wearing one of daddy's old t-shirts and taking a foam brush to the big art size sheet of paper. She did not have to worry about making a mess since it was outside. We learned about how to stroke a brush and all about the four colors. Once we get the red, yellow, blue, and green color names down we will start mixing them together to make a whole new set of colors.

Well I'm off to make a little girl breakfast and get us ready for story time once again today. Hopefully she will just join right in on the fun and not waste a moment staring down the kids to decide if its a good idea to sing/dance. Another hot day here so I think the kiddie pool will be another must in today's schedule of summer fun. Happy first day of summer!
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