Savannah's cold is finally letting up I feel. I woke up to her smiling and kicking her legs this morning. A big sigh of relief I felt coming on. We sat and watched Regis and Kelly this morning while snuggling on the couch. It was so nice to be able to snuggle on a chilly morning. I went about my normal morning routine of checking email and getting a shower. It soon came to be Savannah's morning nap time. I could not get her to stop fussing. I decided that she must just not be hungry. She must just want to lay down. I noticed when I laid her down that when she normally props both her hands behind her head and finds a comfy spot in the pillow, she only put her right hand behind her head and left the otherside along her side. Well this was odd. I picked up the arm but she was not a fan of that idea. I felt a limp, lethargic arm. I began to panic in my mind thinking of what could have happened. How did I just notice this? Has it been like this all morning? Did she use her left arm yesterday? Ahh yesterday. I recalled an incident when she had fallen backgrounds after sitting up. I went to pick her back up with only one hand. ( I know I shouldn't have done that.) I've done it before with no problem. I had something else in my hand and just wanted to quickly sit her back up. I felt this awful mom feeling come over me. It just so happened that her 6 month well child appointment was today so I thought what a perfect time for something to go wrong. I spent the rest of my day in worry and dismay at the fact that something like this had happened. The doctor reassured me that it was very common and that it could happen again but now we know what to do when it does happen. It was a very good, teachable moment. I realize that as a first time parent I'm going to make mistakes. This is probably not the first one that I'm going to make but at least this one was fairly easy to fix. Just a little prick to my heart to show me just how much I love my daughter and how much I don't want anything bad to happen to her. If I had a choice and knew that she wouldn't be stared at, I would wrap her in bubble wrap so that she would be protected always. Now I know that I can't do such a thing so I will just have to be extra careful next time but also realize that kids are going to get hurt.
Her well child went very well. She is in the 99 percentile of pretty much everything. Doctor was very pleased to see how well developed she is. That makes for some pretty proud parents.
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