I haven't been on lately because the best thing to arrive to Austin finally opened its doors. Oh yes!! Jo Ann Fabrics is officially open for business as of last Friday. Lets just say, I have made a few trips there since they have opened. Just trying to stimulate the economy. Actually I just am in desperate need of winter craft projects. Right now I am working on recovering Savannah's crib bumper and my next project is to make the rest of her bedding once I get back there tomorrow.
The Christmas season is upon us which means that I get to hear that dreaded question... what do you want for Christmas? When I lost my job it was hard at first because we were so used to living a lifestyle of buying what we wanted and taking many trips up to the cities. We had a little more money to throw around plus I feel that we were getting out of that broke college student lifestyle. We had our first jobs and we wanted to spend money more freely. Since losing my job and a 1/3 of our household income, we have had to scale down somewhat our wants. Don't get me wrong. We still probably spend more than we should but that's beside the point. I have trained my brain to be content with what we have. It may be a struggle to have one car but it's what we feel comfortable affording. We may not live in the nicest house but its a roof over our heads and its filled with love. I hate when that question comes around. I have a really hard time sitting down and thinking about my own wants. I know that Jeff wants hunting stuff or skiing or tools. Savannah I know would love to have more toys to play with and I've been eyeing this bubble making machine for the bathtub because every fish needs bubbles. But then comes me. What do I want? I was so relieved when Jeff told me tonight, don't worry I have plenty of ideas for you. Well I'm glad someone knows what I want because I sure don't.
I received a phone call from my mom the other day. She was all upset because of how one of her siblings decided to spend their inheritance from Grandma passing away. Oh I hate inheritance so much. I think my goal in life is to die with all my money spent. Someone is always mad or feels they didn't get their fair share. But that's just my little rant. Anyways, my mom decided to buy herself a car (very legit in my eyes) and she bought Savannah a high chair (something we desperately needed and she knew we needed). I was more than happy with the gift she willingly bought Savannah. She told me she wanted to spoil her granddaughter. I honestly expected her just to use the money to live on. I wasn't expecting anything from her. Her sibling decided to give each of her children $500. She was crying because she was afraid that I would hear that and be disappointed with her because she didn't do the same. I told her honestly that I didn't care and that I wasn't expecting anything in the first place. I kept telling her over and over that you can't compare yourself to the Joneses. Just because another person is doing something else doesn't mean they have a better lifestyle than you. The tenth commandment is:
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”
There's a reason why God made that a commandment. If you compare yourself to your neighbor, you will never be satisfied. You will live a very unhappy lifestyle.
The best way to live is not to expect anything. One of the best gifts is when someone does something for you and you weren't even expecting it. It makes your heart grow so much deeper and feel so much more appreciation towards that person. It makes you want to take care of those things because they mean more to you.
I couldn't agree more :)