April 2nd, 2010 was a day I will never forget. It will be a day that when I picked up the phone it was no April Fools joke. My dad had told me that my sister was in a car accident. Hillary is the one of the safest drivers. She always takes extra time to look twice when at stop signs and drives the speed limit. She was on her way back up to her place in the cities. She had stopped to get gas on the way out of town. While driving on the back country 2 lane road she wanted to double check to make sure she had put her debit card back into her wallet. It only took a second for her to take her eyes off the road and end up in the ditch at 55 mph. She hit a field drive and her car flew in the air landing on its side. The airbags and seatbelt saved my sisters life that day. This accident also was a month before my due date with Savannah.

I would have never captured this moment on my camera had something happened to her. This week she accomplished a goal that she has been setting to accomplish for 2 years now. She officially became an RN. I could not be a more proud sister to have gotten to spend these last 2 years with her and many more to come. It makes you realize how precious life is and how many great memories we would have missed out on had she not been wearing her seatbelt. She is such an amazing sister and friend. There truly is no relationship quite like a sister one. She has accomplished so much in her life and has so much more yet to set out to do. She is going to make a fabulous nurse. I wish I could have been there to celebrate with her in this grand accomplishment. I thank God that I was given these last 2 years with her. The laughter, the stories, and the secrets is what makes it so special.
Here's a few pictures that my dad shared with me to help me feel like I was part of the celebration of Hillary officially becoming an RN. I wanted to share them with you also. Hillary we love you and all 4 of us could not be more proud.
Caleb and Hillary
Big Brother Josh, Hillary, and Dad
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