Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Updating the blog

I haven't had much time to blog lately with it being summer and all the craziness of a move coming up. We finally got word today that packers will be coming to pack our stuff up on Friday and the loaders will be here on Saturday. Saturday night we will load up both our cars and hit the road for Philadelphia for our first stop then it will be on to Pittsburgh to visit some more family. I'm not quite as apprehensive about this trip as I was with the first one. I am still a little because Savannah and I will be riding solo in one car while Jeff drives the other one. We decided to take two cars because of the amount of stuff we need to take. Things that the moving company won't take plus a weeks worth of stuff for Jeff, Savannah and I. We barely were able to get everything in the car when we drove out here and with Savannah's reach getting a little out of hand we decided not to load the backseat as much this time. I was having visions of her pulling boxes/bags of stuff on her and me trying to maneuver in the backseat to fix it.

I have been feeling really good with this pregnancy. Besides the swollen/bloated abdomen, at times I wouldn't even remember I was pregnant. I find myself having to remind myself that I am. With Savannah, I had a constant nauseous state hanging over me. It is quite contrary with this one. It almost makes me a little nervous that somethings wrong because I feel so ok. Jeff told me that I'm probably not as tired because I have so much on my mind right now preparing for the move. I'm guessing that I will be crashing any day.

When we first arrived in Massachusetts I knew that we wouldn't be staying here long and that it was a temporary move. Little did I know that "temporary" meant unpack your times to look at them for a few months only to pack them back up. I find myself resenting our current place more and more each day as I grow more anxious to get settled into our new house. I'm ready to have everything organized and be able to kick my feet up. Maybe I will get all my nesting out so I won't feel like doing it for a few more months. I highly doubt it but I can dream.

I will leave you with the wee bump picture. One of the things I am shocked about with this pregnancy is how fast I stuck out. It may not seem much to some people but with certain jeans the bump refuses to let them button.

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