Do I dare jump for joy or am I too early for a celebration? I am silently in my heart thanking God that Savannah has not had one of her vomiting spells since March! A couple of weeks ago she complained right before bed that her tummy hurt and she started moaning. I knew she meant business when she went to grab her puke bucket. I asked her if she needed her medicine for her tummy. She said yes. So to the cabinet for Zofran we went and she rested comfortably for the remainder of the night.
That all happened on Wednesday night. On Thursday she had matter built up in her eyes so right away my mind went to that we had pink eye. It was too late in the day to make her a doctor appointment. I decided to wait it out until Friday. On Friday she woke up with clear eyes. Just a little sleep matter. I kept a close watch on her eyes all day to see if they would do anything. She was outside playing and running around as if nothing was bothering her. At 3:30 she told me that she wanted to go lay down. Its very common lately for her to want to lay down at this time for an hour or so before dinner. I could only hear her screaming at the top of her lungs. I went into her room to see her grabbing her ear and screaming that it hurt. Quickly called the doctor to see if I was in any luck of getting an appointment on a Friday an hour before they closed. They told me to hurry in. I drug my screaming 3 year old to the doctor, into the room where we waited for 30 minutes (seemed like hours), and to be examined. She had a full blown ear infection. Now the doctor had me thinking. "Is Savannah's vomiting episodes coming from ear infections that don't develop into much more than an ear aches?" She had no other symptoms. The doctor found this strange because she wasn't coughing, running a fever, or having any type of nasal drainage. It just makes a mama wonder.....
These past 2 months have been emotional on me personally. I have been neglecting my tooth hygiene. After college and 2 kids, my mouth went downhill pretty quickly. I felt better when the dentist explained it this way. Some people can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound like you. Other people can eat whatever they want and brush their teeth once a day and never get a cavity in their life. Everyone has weaknesses. This is my weakness. The beginning of this year one of my back molars actually broke off from an old filling and years of grinding my teeth. I had it pulled out on Monday after it started bothering me. I feel as if I lost a part of myself. I turn 28 in 10 days and was not prepared for this at all. I figured I was years away from this happening. I know lots of people live through it but I was naive thinking it wouldn't happen to me. I have one more back molar that needs to come out before it starts causing problems as well. I just keep thinking, that's what I get for putting myself on the back burner. I felt so silly crying in the dentist chair after they left the room once I got my shot of Novocaine. I'm just always so busy that I rarely have time to sit and dwell on these things. It all comes at once when I'm left to think about these types of things. I'm a mom and I'm supposed to be strong in other people's eyes. I break down just like any other human. I'm hoping that adding the mouthwash to my routine twice a day will keep me from dealing with any of these happenings in the future. I'm also going to be getting a retainer to prevent any further damage to my teeth from my grinding. I must work really hard at my grinding my teeth at night because my previous dentist said he had never seen teeth so wore down. First time I had ever heard that in my life.
That's a little update from the past couple months. We are off to the zoo tomorrow to enjoy some outdoor time outside of the house. Looking forward to seeing how they react to all the animals and various activities.