I only have time to write this because one child is taking a second nap today because she is not feeling well and the other one is screaming in his crib fighting off a much needed nap. Although some people think I have plenty of time on my hands.
My day starts out at 7am. Both kids are up and wanting to be fed. Which one do I feed first? Place Carson in bouncer to scream momentarily while I fix a bowl of cereal for Savannah and get a sippy cup of orange juice. Place S in high chair to eat. I grab C to nurse and check email/return emails while I nurse for 10 minutes. S has been done for the past 3 minutes eating her cereal and now has decided to take it upon herself to clear the table. She spills the milk all across the floor on the way to the sink. Praise her for her effort as I burp C. He misses the burp cloth and instead spits up all over my shirt and the floor. I place him back in the bouncer and clean up the two messes on the floor. S has decided to help soothe C's crying so she rushes to get a pacifier to him and smoother him with a burp cloth in an attempt to clean up some more spit up. I save C from S's sisterly love attempts to care for him. She demands tv and I tell her that it's time to play with toys. I play off and on with the tv for 15 minutes until I finally unplug it. I won that battle for the day. Mommy 1, S-0.
I figure I better get a shower before I lose my opportunity to. Place C in bouncer and hop in the shower. S decides she needs one too so she undresses herself and hops in. So much for privacy and a moment to myself. Dry myself off but S decides she's not done yet. Get dressed quick myself only to find that S has decided to take it upon herself to finish her shower. She is now running out of the bathroom, across the carpet and into the living room naked and slips on the floor. Soothe a crying S while C is now screaming because I left the room. Finish getting dressed and dress S. C needs an outfit and diaper change now. After we are all dressed I pick C up from the changing table where he lets out a burp and spit up runs on his newly changed outfit and my fresh clean shirt. Go to find new tops for both of us to realize I'm running out of clean clothes. Must start a load of laundry. S has decided since I have been so preoccupied with laundry and changing of clothes that its the perfect time to clean out a drawer. Pick up all her clothes from her dresser drawer and try to somewhat reorganize them. While I am busy cleaning up this mess she has noticed C is all alone. Tries to shove pacifier in his mouth and tell him "shh" despite the fact he isn't crying (for once!) Starts crying now because of all S's sisterly love. By the way, the clothes are still sitting next to the washer to be put in the wash. Now that we are all dressed and messes are somewhat contained time to start cleaning the kitchen before lunch needs to be started. C is down for a nap so I am one on one with handling a child. Finally a manageable situation. S wants to help me do everything so I am playing referee with what she can and cannot touch. Now that the kitchen is cleaned up time to draw the ABC's and 123s on the etch a sketch. S grows quickly uninterested in my attempts to teach her and has the need to cause trouble. I tell her "no" where now she begins to throw a tantrum. To her room she goes for a time out until she can cool down. Her tantrum wakes up C so now I have a fussy baby who needs a longer nap. I place C in the Ergo so I have 2 hands to do things and he wants to show me how strong his neck muscles are. Is it nap time yet? Nope it's only 10am! That's just a 3 hour block of my day. How can anyone say that a stay at home mom gets bored?!