Jeff told me today that I need to blog more. Quite honestly between taking care of a toddler and prepping for the upcoming arrival of our newest member, I haven't had much time to sit and write. I've had an abundance of time this week but my attitude about bedrest has not been the greatest so I have choose to keep that attitude to myself. It came out a little bit with Jeff tonight.
I wasn't expecting to be put on bedrest. My blood pressure had remained steady and I was having a good pregnancy. No complications whatsoever besides getting the stomach flue and needing fluids to stop contractions due to dehydration. Simple fix. When I was pregnant with Savannah I was put on bedrest abruptly kind of like I was with this one. I went into an appointment thinking everything was fine and walked out with an order. When I was pregnant with Savannah we were remodeling a house. A lot of things were only half finished such as the basement. I was also 37 weeks pregnant and knew the bedrest thing would not last long. I knew inducing was eventually coming my way. I just had to wait for the room to be available.
With this one, I was only halfway through painting all the doors and trim. I get to look at a half finished job once again while I am forced to "take it easy." Everyone tells me that I will have plenty of time to paint it and finish it in the future but when you have nothing else to do, its kind of hard to think that way. I don't know how I'm going to finish all my painting when I have two kids. It was hard enough painting the exterior of the house when I had Savannah. I can hardly keep her out of the paint let alone do it with TWO. The baby nursery is also not painted. :( Slacking on my part though. My bad! The hardwood floors are still not fully complete despite my expectations. My list was not complete and it frustrates me to no end. I was just hoping this time around that I would be able to stay on my feet until the baby decided to come out.
I know me laying low is good for the baby but it still is very hard on you emotionally to get through each and everyday. I want nothing more right now than to be 37 weeks and allowed back to my regular self.